I would like to take a moment to thank you all for welcoming me to the Our Lady of Mount Carmel family! Over the past several weeks, I have taken time to try my best to acclimate myself to a new school, staff, faculty, and community. As I continue adjust and become a part of this amazing family, I was reminded of God's mission in my life. Each of us, as Christians, are asked to be a part of a greater purpose than ourselves. Each job we do for this parish and school, is to be done with a total submission and understanding of that purpose. As my transition reminded me of this, it also reminded me of an article I once read, and a reflection I previously wrote. If I may, I would like to post that in this Corner as a reminder for all of us that our choices either make us a part...or set us apart of God's purpose in our lives.
As I was reading some
articles on vocations, I came across an interesting article about the
difference in meaning for apart, and a-part. Apart, means to be
separated by distance or time. A Part, means to be a piece of something
that forms the whole of something. I found this to be
extremely interesting in how it is relevant to one's life. Take for
example our Schools, Parishes, and Communities. I have referred to
this in the past as the "I"nstitution using a capital I to focus on
the importance of the role each of them play in a unified mission. In
this example, each of these three should be "A Part" of the whole,
not "Apart" from one another. True unity and growth cannot
happen without that.
Let's take it one
further step and look at ourselves as individuals. We are asked to be
"A Part" of the Catholic church, it's teachings, it's education and
formation processes, and its overall mission when it comes to utilizing our
talents to be disciples of Christ. However, like myself many times, we
fall outside of this idea making us "Apart" from the Catholic
mission. Why is this? Why do often times ignore the calling of God?
Many times, we simply don't feel it is us that God is talking to.
"Who am I?" right? "Why would God call me to drop
everything and follow this path or that path, I mean, I'm sure someone will
step in and take care of this particular issue." Or maybe it's the
notion that "Look, I'm just going to keep my head down, do my thing and
ride this out. God wouldn't be asking me to make these changes in my life
without a sign or something, and this feeling I have, these thoughts I struggle
with understanding, that certainly can't be a sign." Then there is
another in particular that I have been guilty of many times "Okay God, I
think I understand what you are asking me to do and honestly, I'm okay with
that but can't it wait a while, I mean, everything seems to be going alright
does it have to be right now?" Ask yourself if any of these sound
familiar to you.
Apart and A Part.
Interesting. Recently I was listening to a presentation that was
given some years ago, by a former professional soccer player from Bloomington
Illinois who gave it up to become a priest. In his presentation, he
referred to a book her was reading called "Rome Sweet Home" by Scott
Hahn where, in one of the stories there was a couple who was converting to the
Catholic Faith and the wife had been having trouble with her conversion
process. She knew she was going to convert but she just wasn't quite sure
when until she ran across this quote: "Delayed obedience is
Disobedience." This statement hit me square in the face!
Delayed obedience takes us further Apart not only from what God wants us
to do, but apart from the whole never allowing it to become what it could be as
it will be missing a piece and, never allowing us become what we could be as
My conclusion from this
is that I don't want to be Apart from what God wants for me. No matter
how confusing or untimely in my point of view that it may be. I want to
be A Part of His plan for me, A Part of the "whole" whatever that may
be. Are we doing all we can? Are we listening to God when he calls
us? Are we turning our lives over to Him so that we may become A Part of
his plan he has for our lives? Or, are we looking away, waiting for
someone else to do His work, ignoring the call because it is too confusing or
doesn't fit into our time frame, all the while drifting further and further
Apart from what God is calling us to do?
Mr. Swann/Principal
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School