Thursday, January 14, 2021


Reflection 1/14/21:

“Today is January.”  This is what I’ve told myself the past few days both for the realization that it actually is January and as a slight reminder that at this point in the New Year, we are still offering In-Person instruction, each day, full days hopefully for a complete academic year.  This thought has been driving me for what is going on 10 months now and to be honest, I’m tired.  I am convinced that the majority will echo this sentiment and that is why we must stay the course.  There is still so much to overcome however, we have already overcome so much.

We are still very much operating in an unprecedented time.  Each day brings all new anxiety and apprehension to the point of deciding whether or not to actually look at my phone when it buzzes.  At the same time, each day fills me with hope and insight when I watch our students sit at their desk, take a test, raise their hand to answer a question or play outside.  There is still so much to overcome however, we have already overcome so much. 

Over the next several months we will have a great number of events at OLMC and, although they will look different than ever before, we will be holding them unlike last year so please, remember that during any inconvenience that may arise.  In a few short weeks we will begin the season of Lent.  This is a time of fasting and reflection, preparation for the celebration of Easter of course.  However, Lent is also a time for self-evaluation, vigilance, spiritual healing and development, and growth.  Just as this past year has been unprecedented, this year’s season of Lent should mean more than ever.  We have a lot of healing to do.  We have a lot of forgiveness to give, and, more than likely, we have some forgiveness to ask for.  Regardless of what your Lent may look like, the time to prepare for that season is during the next few weeks.  There is still so much to overcome however, we have already overcome so much.

Just as we need to reevaluate our spiritual lives, our school must be in a constant process of reevaluating our processes.  In doing so, there is a lot to consider; staffing, programs, curriculum, policy & procedures, funding, and the list goes on.  Each year, more so even now, we must approach our world with a new-found respect for our Catholic schools.  Our schools have gone above and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide In-Person instruction during which time, your students have gained valuable education time that hasn’t been afforded to many others.  In the face of so much uncertainty, apprehension and even resistance, our schools pushed forward under the protection of the Holy Spirit.  Given all of your prayers and support, it isn’t surprising that we were able to do so.  Of course, there is still so much to overcome however, we have already overcome so much. 

As we close out this week I am asking that you ask yourself “how do we continue to overcome?”  Moving forward successfully is going to take all of us no doubt.  Continuing this mission will take sacrifice, determination, prayer and focus and it will take it from ALL of us.  In what is agreed to be an unprecedented time, OLMC is poised for an unprecedented accomplishment.  Stay positive and stay the course.  There is still so much to overcome however…

Mr. Swann - Principal