Monday, August 19, 2019

Gospel Reflection - Mr. Swann

In today's Gospel, Matthew talks about the young man who approached Jesus and asked "Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal live?"  The Lord answered that he should obey the commandments at which the young man asked what else.  Jesus answered, "If you wish to be perfect, sell all your possessions, give the money to the poor and follow me."  At this, the young man left grieving as he had many possessions.  

The man is upset because he, at this moment, realizes that the Truth is not what he wished to hear.  How many times are we like that.  "Look Lord, I keep your commandments, I go to church, I even teach at a Catholic school.  Isn't that enough??"  The simple answer is NO.  Nothing we have, nothing we have done, no awards or degrees or amount of money gets to come with us to eternity.  Nothing but the choice to fully follow Jesus is what affirms that opportunity.  My grandfather used to say that "the truth hurts but makes us stronger, but lying hurts far worse and leaves wounds that rarely mend.  So, if you asked a question, be prepared to hear the truth."  

I pray that we all have the strength to ask what we are lacking and what we must give up in order to fully free us to follow Jesus's mission in our lives.  And then, let us have the courage to hear the answer and respond by letting go of our attachments which hold us back from Christ's purpose for our lives, whether that be wealth - like the young man, pride, self-pity, fear, etc.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the many blessings which you bestow on us.  As we attempt to draw closer to Jesus, we ask that we will be freed from worldly possessions helping us become ready for the day when will return to you.  Amen. 

Mr. Swann/Principal 
Our Lady of Mount Carmel