Monday, March 22, 2021

 Reflection for March 22, 2021:

Well, spring is finally here.  To think where we are compared to the previous spring season is something phenomenal at best.  As many things are different than they were a year ago, many others are still the same.  Nothing of course has come without significant adjustment, planning and re-planning, sleepless nights and most of all…worry. 

Our school is attending full days however; these days do not look like the days of school’s past.  Regulations and restrictions haven’t gone away; they have just developed into new and different regulations and restrictions.  Procedures have given away to new, amended procedures that will almost certainly be re-amended again later into newer procedures.  COVID has not gone away either.  As evident in the continued positive cases within our schools, cities, and families it is clear that we are not out of the woods yet. 

So, where does this leave us?  Things seem normal in our little world don’t they?  Our OLMC students are in schools yet our classes and lessons look very different.  Our athletes are back on the playing fields yet our games and practices look very different.  Our school year has seemingly droned on and yet, each day opens with uncertainty and difference.  It is safe to say that things are beginning to look the same only…different. 

So this is where we are left - a new spring a year later in the middle of our Lenten journey.  A Lenten season that seems it has been going on throughout the entire year.  We sit in the face of constant challenge and slow progression and many of us have failed to see Jesus in all of it.  How are we supposed to do that seems to be the echoing question I have faced, and if I am to be truthful, asked myself so many times throughout these past 365-Plus days.  It’s been a long trip for all of us I know, however, it is important to remember that we all have in fact been on this trip!  There are going to be issues that continue to arise and, although our school year looks “normal” it is/has been anything but.  The struggle to implement and grow through this school year still remains until the end.  We are NOT back to normal in any way – socially, academically, athletically, etc. and unfortunately won’t be for quite some time.  That is why it is important to take joy in the small growth and steps we have made as an organization to date, and hopefully, the large steps we have made as individuals in the face of this extended Lenten season. 

Nine full calendar weeks, forty school days, and a lifetime is what remains of this year at OLMC.  While other schools across our nation are just now discussing bringing students back to class for the first time in over a year, we are in a small group of schools and school districts who moved forward navigating the ever-changing frontier.  Perhaps next year will be better.  Uncertainty remains yet, so does hope.  This year has become much more about relevance than about curriculum; much more about social and mental health than about academic performance, and much more about perseverance than advancement! 

As we move forward in the year(s) to come, I pray that we will be able to get the focus back on those other endeavors but for now, remember it is a new spring and, like with all springs, gives rise to new life.  Let us pray that we grow in Christ during this season of Lent and we are able to show Him to others who are also walking the same path.  May we all remember to show Grace just as we receive it. 

God bless!

Mr. Swann