Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Reflection 12/15/20:

“By what Authority are you doing these things?  And who gave you that authority?”  Yesterday’s Gospel discusses the chief priests and elders asking Jesus why he thought he had the authority to teach in the temple.  Can you imagine questioning Jesus on who gave Him the authority to do anything?  My first response to this question was of course not, I can’t imagine doing that.  However, on second consideration, the majority of today’s society meets all authority with some level of skepticism doesn’t it? 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this type skepticism in my every day discussions with people; the doctor says that the child’s diagnosis is this: “I don’t think that doctor knows what he’s talking about”; the coach calls a particular play in a particular situation: “That coach is an idiot, he should have ran this..”; police officers, teachers, dentists….let’s face it, anyone who attempts to tell us something we don’t 100% agree with and watch out if they actually offer constructive criticism to go along with it.  Trust me, I’ve been guilty of this skepticism myself and I’ve certainly had my judgement/decision process questioned more than a fair share.  So why is it so difficult for us, why was it so difficult for the chief priests and elders, to accept the knowledge base from someone other than ourselves?  Is it really because we know that we can do whatever it is better or, is it because we struggle with hearing the truth? 

The truth is that, just as Jesus says in John 3:11, “We speak of what we know and testify to what we have seen”.  The truth is where Christ’s authority comes from.  The truth is often times difficult to hear in our lives and challenging to adhere to.  The truth is what we are all supposed to listen to and follow.  Christ calls us as disciples to bear witness to the truth capital “T”. 

The year 2020 has filled us with skepticism because of false truths to the point of dimensioning our hope.  May this Advent Season remind us all of our responsibility to the Truth of Jesus Christ and strengthen our resolve while increasing peace with and among us. 

Mr. Swann – Principal