Divided Reflection 2/18/20:
I apologize
as it’s been a while between my reflections.
Recently, I have been reading a couple books of quotes. These quotes are taken from famous people
throughout time highlighting the need for motivation, self-growth and the will
to overcome. These quotes are wonderful
to read for when you just need to see something in writing that will remind you
much of what you may be experiencing, someone else has already experienced and said
something very clever about.
Another unfortunate
thing about quotes is that they only really cover a split second relief without
actually offering any solution to the issue.
My grandfather was really good with quotes and I remember him throwing
many my way as I faced difficult situations growing up. One of his favorites was “work smarter not
harder”. I have thought of this
occasionally as I would try to bull through something. Why climb a wall when I can walk around it? The Enemy uses this ideology in his work as
well. He knows there are easier ways to
pull people away from Christ and if allowed, he will work smart in his
efforts. Satan doesn’t attack the Church
directly; he does it though individuals who are already there. He is the king of deceit, lies and false witness. And, most importantly, the Enemy will not
stop until he finds the weak-link and exploits it.
In Mark
3:22-30, the scribes from Jerusalem said that the reason Jesus was able to
drive out demons was because He was from Satan Himself. “It is through the prince of devils that he
drives devils out.” I always wondered
why anyone, even they, would go so deep in challenging Christ as to call Him
evil. The reason however is simple, to
divide the people from Him. The fastest
way to destroy something is to do it from the inside, to pull the center
support out from under and allow it to fall in, rot, decay from the inside
answered this challenge but saying “How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that
kingdom cannot last. And if a household
is divided against itself, that household can never last.” The Enemy wants to divide our families, our households,
our workplaces, our churches so that he can destroy what God has built from
If we allow
Satan to divide us from God’s purpose in our life, we are making the Enemy’s
job easier! If we divide others from God’s
purpose in their life, we are doing the Enemy’s job for him! Division is destruction in slow form. Whether it is a team, an organization, or an
individual, it must not be divided from God’s mission least it can never
last. Don’t allow division to pull us from Christ.
Mr. Swann / Principal