Reflection 8-20-21:
Here we are finishing up the first week of school. As we walked into the 2021-2022 school year,
I know that we all did so with a new anticipation, almost hope that finally
this year would be different. This is
the year that would begin our journey back to “normal” after the unpredictable,
unprecedented pandemic and political year that hit our country so hard last
year. This year would be the year where
it all comes back together and we would take the lessons learned from the
previous year-plus and grow into a more understanding and happier people. Maybe it’s still early yet.
Today’s Gospel tells us about the Pharisee scholar who
decided to test Jesus by asking him “Teacher, which commandment in the law is
the greatest?” Two things we must
remember from this scripture, the first is that the Pharisee wasn’t really
seeking an answer from Jesus, he was merely attempting to trip him up and use
whatever answer he gave against him. The
second thing we need to remember is that when we ask Jesus something, we need
to remember that the answer may not be the one we want to hear. Jesus says in reply, “You shall love the
Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your
mind. This is the greatest and first
commandment. The second is like it: You
shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
I believe it may be difficult to find someone, especially in
our community, who would say that they do not follow the first one of these
commandments if we were to ask. It’s an
easy answer and truthfully, difficult to prove otherwise. The second commandment however, one does not
have to ask for the proof is in our actions; our words; our lives. Whether or not we follow the second commandment
can be seen in the way we treat each other, the conversations we have about
people at dinners and ball games, and the decisions we make regarding other
people. Certainly many of the decisions
we make daily may be amoral. But even
the little things, conversations we take part in or avoid, considerations we
make or don’t for others, the shows we choose to watch or music we listen to,
all these things can influence us to make certain choices.
Jesus tried to make it easy for us. Love God; Love each other - such a small number
of requests yet, such an enormous impact on both our lives and the lives of
Mr. Swann